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[Invitation] Asia IoT Business Platform 2019, Myanmar

Yangon, MM - Being one of the most rising emerging economies in the world last few years, Myanmar, with its aggregate growth rate of 6.8% in 2019 is once again positioning itself as a noteworthy economy in ASIA. Besides the massive growth of Myanmar, however, the development of the infrastructure seems to be a real-deal challenge and the answer is finally found, it’s “digitalization”. Not only a part-by-part digitalization of business, and manufacturing factories, …they have to digitalize every field that contributes to the rise in the country's development.

Acknowledging the urgent demand of Myanmar, Daviteq comes to Asia IoT Business Platform 2019 event with our willing preparation. Our research accomplishment will be your most appropriate solution to figure out the current situation and simply to come to advance in future, of course.

Daviteq hopes you would pay your valuable time to come and visit our booth where we present our signature products and stimulated system based on a series of wireless Sensors and IoT Platform Globiots. The event will take place at Sedona Hotel, No.1 Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma).

Sincerely Yours.


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